The Best Fencing Solutions for Pet Owners

The Best Fencing Solutions for Pet Owners

Fencing not only increases the appeal of your property but also adds a layer of security to your abode. Although fences remain optional for households without pets, they become necessary for homes with pets. 

Choosing pet-friendly fencing is essential to ensure the safety of your furry friend while keeping it confined to your home. Searching for a fence contractor near me in a web browser will get you the best options in your locality, but they’ll be able to work their magic best if you are clear about your or your pets’ needs. 

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Pet Fencing

Selecting the type of fencing that will keep your pet safe and home-bound depends on certain factors concerning the pet. Below is a breakdown of things you can observe to determine the perfect fencing for a pet household. 

Size Of Your Pet

Your pet’s size is one of the most important things to observe when selecting pet-safe fencing. For larger pets, you’ll require more heightened fences, while the opposite will be true for short pets. 

For instance, a German Shepherd will have no trouble jumping a low fence. On the other hand, it will prove ideal for Corgis as these dogs have short legs. Similarly, for cats, you’ll need fences at least 6 to 8 feet high, as that is the average jumping limit of a cat. [1]

Outdoor Curiosity Of Your Pet

Analyze what outdoor activities interest your pets the most. If they like running and playing, you’ll need a fence that occupies minimal space and allows them their playground. Similarly, if your pet enjoys observing the outdoor view, it’ll be better to choose a fence that doesn’t obstruct the view. 

If you are unsure about the ideal fence for your pet, consider digging the internet for a fence contractor near me. You can also ask their customer care for recommendations. 


The next important thing is the breed and temperament of your pet. Some pets are super calm and have no interest in freedom. For them, a picket fence will work best. However, for energetic and escape artists, you’ll need innovative solutions like solid wood or chain fences. 

Some pets also tend to dig an escape tunnel underneath the fences. For such furry friends, you’ll need fences with anti-digging features to prevent them from running off. [2]

Best Fencing Ideas for Pet Owners

Considering the above-mentioned pointers, you can easily select the right fencing solution for your loveable friend. However, you can also consider the layout of your yard to select fencing that enhances your home’s curb appeal. Here are a few recommendations for pet fencing that offer safety and aesthetics. 

Wooden Fencing

These are some of the most common fence types to ensure pet safety and boost the aesthetics of your home. You can make endless customizations with the designs and alter the fencing heights according to your preferences. 

Some innovative fencing contractors offer different extendable designs, which you can set up later if you need more height. Wooden fences have the most enduring capacities; you can rest assured that they will hold regardless of your pets’ jumping capacity. 

Aluminum Fencing

Another common type of fencing is metallic or aluminum fencing. These designs are particularly useful for pets who can overcome wooden fences. They come in various styles, from mesh to chain links and aluminum fencing. If you have a mastermind dog pet who knows how to get around the fence, metallic fencing will be the ideal choice. 

Aluminum fences closer to the ground prevent the pets from digging their way out. However, chain-like metal fences don’t work best in such cases. To add more security, you can ask the fence contractor near me to build the rail at the bottom of the picket. [3]

Picket Fencing

Whenever someone mentions fencing, the image of the picket fence pops into everyone’s mind. The fence gets its name from its shape, resembling a picket. Primarily, these fences were available in wood, but nowadays, you can find them in more durable materials like vinyl. 

The narrow gaps between the fencing prevent your pet from squeezing through. There is a space at the bottom, but if you have a clever furry companion, you can ask the fence contractors to minimize the distance to prevent their escapes. 

Vinyl Fencing

Dog pets are often good chewers, and many love the wood taste. Although wooden fencing is durable in other cases, it may not work well with pets that are good at clawing and chewing. That is where vinyl fencing comes into play. 

Vinyl fencing is highly customizable and irresistible to chewing as it is tasteless. Moreover, they have more endurance against outdoor weather conditions. You can also guarantee anti-digging and anti-climbing over features with a few design variations. 

Additional Features to Pet Secure Your Yard 

Fencing doesn’t have to look conventional to ensure safety. Nowadays, several solutions are available from professionals under the ‘fence contractors near me’ umbrella that improve your yard’s security and enhance its overall appeal. 

Latch Doors

Gates are a mandatory component of fences. However, some intelligent pets can push through them and escape. Here, you need to look for secure latches and keep them locked while they play in the yard. 

Fence Toppers

As the name implies, they can be installed on the top of the fencing to deter the pet from escaping. These toppers are detachable and can be installed/uninstalled when needed. They also come in attractive designs to enhance the appearance of the fence. 

Privacy Screens

You can create the illusion of unbreachable yard boundaries and use fencing options with privacy screens. They are similar to regular fencing, but detachable sheets or panels are available to add more privacy to your yard. 

Moreover, some designs also allow you to create dedicated playing sections for your pets. Such designs are particularly helpful when you have an outdoor party to host and must keep your furry friend satisfied. 

The Bottom Line

Selecting the right fencing for your pet may seem like an arduous task. However, with the right guidance, you can make the appropriate decision in no time. The first thing to ensure is your pet’s breed, temperament, and jumping capacity.  

Pinpointing the right fence-building professionals can be challenging, and some may be unavailable because of inaccessibility to the locality. However, filtering your options down through fence contractors near me can help you track the best contractors nearby for prompt and efficient solutions. 


Do DIY fences work for pet-secured yards as well?

DIY fences are undoubtedly a budget-friendly option. However, the outcome may not come out as expected if you lack the needed expertise and materials. Therefore, it is important to hire professional fence contractors. 

How high should a fence be for jumping dogs?

As a rule of thumb, a fence should be at least six feet high for dogs that jump to prevent escapes and ensure safety. [1]

Are invisible fences any good?

Invisible fences can be effective, but training them before installation is important since they use mild electric pulses to alert pets. Although invisible fences are the best solution to keep the outdoor view unobstructed, they may not work for all pets, especially for the energetic ones.

How much would it cost to install a fence?

It is difficult to spell out a universal figure for fencing. The overall costs depend on many factors, including the material used, the length and height of fencing, the style, and customizations. 






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